woodworker59 wrote:
IT doesn't matter how high they are my dw ducks every time we go under one. From NY to FL 4 times and she still ducks. It keeps me laughing. Happy camping and try not to over think everything. Dave
pointrow wrote:
That reminded me of our Great Dane that would duck down for every over pass while in our MH.
Hope your DW has a sense of humor
She isn't the only one!!! I duck too, cause I nailed one way back right after I got back from Vietnam. First day on the job (only day on that job) too. Peeled the whole trailer's roof off! Boy, thought I was going to nail that VW tailgating me:R? That is when I decided to start reading the low clearance warning signs before I got under the underpass!!! Never nailed on after that:W, but I still cringe!!!