wny_pat wrote:
grizz272 wrote:
Since I now have a full height Camper I am looking for something that will let me know I have a low bridge ahead.
I think your travel trailer is about 10' 4", but to be sure you have to climb up and measure it from the highest point. Once you know exactly what it is, I'd post it on my dashboard or visor so it is visible when I needed to know.
As far as knowing how high low clearances are, as a old time retired truck driver, I watch the signs that are posted before you get to them, and on them. They are all marked unless over 14 foot. The ones you really have to watch out for are the canopies at gas stations, fast food drive thrus, and banks. Those are usually marked too. Oh, the logs over entrances to Walmart and other stores parking lots too! And even those are usually marked too. And even those are marked Have not bothered with any of the POIs for GPS units. But I do have them on my Streets and Trips GPS mapping system. If I find one I can't fit under, I find a way around it. And I have not found many I can't fit under and I at least a foot higher than you.
There are a lot more low clearances listed on the http://www.lowclearances.com software than there is listed on the POI listings from what I have researched.
I have a label maker and have the height posted on the rear view mirror. The last one was 12' 6", I am guessing the one I just bought is going to measure 13'6" give or take a few inches.