25 years as a Police dispatcher MOSTLY on the Detroit Freeway Patrol.
And though on side streets there are some low clearances. I'm not aware of any freeway bridge under 14' A few under 16 foot (All marked) but none under 14'. Only had four cases of truck v/s bridge
One was a very oversize truck on I-96/M-14 east of I-275 Tarp hit the bridge, NO DAMAGE
One was during construction, Dump truck bed raised lifted a bridge right off the mounts.. This truck was well over 13' tall with the bed up in the DUMP position.
One was a fatal, garbage truck carrying a dumpster (they are not supposed to do that) also well over 14' tall hit a bridge, the dumpster sliced the salesman (not authorised to drive it) in half (ouch)
And one was a crain.. he just nicked a bridge, again over size load.
Oh and one car v/s bridge but how he got that high I have no clue. He hit the name of the road sign which was a good 18' above the freeway.