Passin' Through wrote:
navegator wrote:
I have the best navigation system that money can buy.
It is called a wife.
She has an incredible sence of direction (built in compass????)
She can read any map, topographical maps, navigation charts, etc.
Gives very good directions and even refills the coffy cup and or the sandwitch
while we are on the road.
So I am very lucky, I hope that all of you using all of those gadgets out there
stay out of trouble by being given erroneous directions.
Yes I tried a GPS system on the computer, and found that it had so many errors that it was practically usesless in cities or on mountain roads, it wanted to send us down a side of a mountain in Arizona that is used to launch hand gliders.
Good luck navigating with the GPS.
By the way it is not the GPS that is at fault but the programs, the persons that write the programs probablly get lost in theire own homes.
Big, big, BIG thumbs-up on that! My wife is my top-notch navigator. In addition, she makes sure I stay warm at night. Try THAT with your Garmin, etc.:B
We use the Garmin extensively but before we leave the house she can direct me to the city where the Garmin is most valuable. We have an Auto Club (AAA) membership for the benefits like the 1273 maps in her collection.
She does reciprocate and likes me because I'm not even hesitant when it comes to stopping and asking for directions especially to those places not on maps. It's a partnership and has been for 52 years next month.