We have grown twins (boy-girl). Both were very shy children. When they were 8 years old, we were camping at South Llano State Park in Texas. One afternoon, my son came in and said we all had to get up at 6 the next morning to go look at birds. DH and I thought it was an unusual request and honestly thought he would forget about it but he didn't. He came to our bed at 5:30, dressed with flashlight and binoculars. Off we went with our son leading the way. He led us to a bird blind. As he approached, an older couple came to great him by name and introduced themselves to the rest of us.
This older couple were the park hosts and they were true birders. They had watched my kids ride bikes around the loop and befriended them. Next thing we knew, we had kids interested in birds and for the next 5 days, we met the couple at the bird blind at sunrise. It is one of my DH and mine favorite camping stories when asked why we camp.
It would have been fine if this older couple had turned their chairs around and ignored the two shy kids riding bikes. We would have had a great trip. But boy are we thankful they didn't. They made a life long impact on our family.
To us, one of best gifts of camping is in the evenings when families are around campsites, smoke billowing from difficult campfires, you hear laughter, adults talking and kids playing until they wear out.