shelbyfv wrote:
Several threads recently have shown there are lots of elderly among us. Here's an article from USA Today regarding RVs and the youngsters. Link
That article is USA Today. They want me to turn off my ad blocker. :M I've always liked ad blocker. I still like ad blocker. Guess I won't be reading that article. And no, I won't be registering with them either. Nice try tho... :R
I think this thread was about RV manufacturers wanting to target the millennial generation and addressing technology needs? Thread seems to have gone somewhere else (as per usual). Ya'll need to go camping or something, lol.
Anyway... "Elderly"? Okay, so I turned 65 last year. I am NOT elderly at 65, thank you. I used to think 65 was really flippin' old. Actually, the "elderly" is when you're like, in your 80s... I like being in
my generation. I know way more stuff about stuff than younger generations likely ever will. Have way more stuff (including lots of stuff, "toys" and other cr@p I've been hoarding for decades) than they probably ever will. Some folks are still RV-ing at 80. I know - seen 'em in CGs.
Wifi? Seriously, who uses wifi in a CG?? You want mobile mifi and with a good data plan. We older folks love our i-phones and computers just as much as anyone. I had to install some USB outlets to accomodate our 3 phones (DW needs two for some reason!) and computer. We love TV in our RV. I love driving around a CG for an hour after arriving and trying to locate a sat through the trees (not). Got one of those "hey google" thingies for Xmas - dang, need to add another USB outlet in the TT. Now when there's nothing to watch on TV or do on the internet, I'll be able to entertain myself with it. Her sexy voice alone is great. ;)
I've been reading a non-fiction book lately. Haven't done that in decades. Super interesting. I may just try reading in a CG this season instead. To heck with tech. :) Do millenials read books? Yep, I thought so...
As far as millennials buying RVs goes, I can't imagine many around here being able to afford one. With our real estate prices being the highest anywhere, they are lucky to afford a tiny condo. Definitely no room for a truck, let alone an RV. For those able to buy into the housing market, many will be scrimping and saving every spare dollar to put aside for a down payment on a larger home. (BTDT) With young people and their careers, family responsibilities and interests in other summertime activities, I can't see many buying an RV just to hang around a CG and do what we "older" people do. Our low Canadian dollar doesn't help either.
FWIW, when I was in college in the early 70s, the federal gov't had surplus cash to burn and they were handing out scholarships to athletes. Having competed in several national championships in my sport, I got $5K from the gov't. $5K was a LOT in those days. Tuition was only around $500 a year and I was living at home. I used some of it to buy a nice car. Worked out for me! Fast forward to today, I'm on a measly gov't pension. Always worked in the private sector. DW on the other hand works in gov't and will get a nice fat pension when she retires in a couple of years. I knew an acc't several decades ago who told me that the best investment ever is buying the biggest house you can afford because when you sell it, it's tax free and because real estate prices always go up. So I eventually bought an acreage when the market had bottomed out and built a nice house & workshop on it. When we go to sell it in down the road and downsize, real estate prices have since skyrocketed in recent years. Worked out for me!