I worked at several different McDonald's in the 1970's - 1980's for over 20 years. Back then, a hamburger was still a hamburger. I don't know what they are using now. But even McDonald's admits that French Fries are not real potatoes any more. That's pretty bad. Forget their shakes, that's been artificial stuff for the last 50 years.
I suppose that's why we do our own cooking at the campsite. Fortunate, we still have a local small Mom & Pop grocery store not to far from where we live that still cuts their own meat, purchased from local farmers in Indiana. I refuse to cover them with sauces and gobs of seasonings when cooking, because the flavor is in the meat! If it's a good meat, it does not need all the additional stuff to try to make it taste good.
And I agree with the OP. Finding places that still serve fresh cuts of meat and non-pre-processed fruits and vegetables are far and few in-between.
Even Hostess Ding Dongs aren't the same any more, and when fast food restaurants went to non-trans-fats deep fried grease for deep frying... well ... it's simply never been the same.
I enjoyed going to a Mom & Pop shop a few years ago. I think it was somewhere in Tennessee. They had written on the walls across the top, near the ceiling in great big lettering, something like: We use grease, we use fat, we use lard. If you are looking for good taste, this is place to come. If you are looking to loose weight, go somewhere else. We don't make excuses for good food taste.
That is where the REAL problem is. Restaurants are trying too hard to do the politically correct "cooking", and crumble to the dictates of those who scream the loudest, they've erased the rich history of what true food is.