This article does and says only ONE thing, it brings into serious question Mr. Gerbers reading comprehension skills, which apparently are nil.
He has gotten the entire thing backwards. Not just wrong but backwards.
And it's a good thing many of you are not lawyers cause you wouldn't win any cases.
The seminal point in the EXEMPTION of RV's from the proposed regulations (which is what this so called "regulation" which is really just a rule making exercise up for comment, is; that RV's will remain classed as non housing.
THIS DOES NOT affect the way you can choose to use them. It merely takes them out of play in any dispute over the housing regulations.
The Bottom line...the take-away here is: There is nothing to worry about...except Mr. Gerbers education and why it appears to have been so deficient.
From what I have read of his prior to this he at least is consistent in his inability to read a document like this and get it true significance.