We use citronela candles and also on the kerosene lamps, the candles are always up wind so that the smell waffs over the area that we are in, I place two to three candels on the floor and a coulpe of lanters hanhing from the awning about a foot down and a couple of lanterns on the table, they love my wife and hate me they bite her I bite them ??!
Nothing works. You can keep insects away with netting. Or you can keep from being bitten with Deet.
Spraying the area will last for only a few minutes. Bug zappers attract moths, not mosquitos. Citronella might be of some value but only when there is no breeze and the smell hangs in the air so that it is more annoying than the bugs.
If you have a fire, that will dissipate some of them. Add some sage or rosemary to the fire to boost the power of the smoke.
Otherwise, long sleeves, citronella (added cedar will help) oil burning in some lamps, a fan moving the air will keep them at a minimum, staying inside during dusk or until it gets completely dark will also assist.