Chock Full o' Nuts wrote:
NanciL wrote:
Holy cow !
I say " what do you think, want to head out with the TT next week for a weekend trip", and she is packing the trailer.
Maybe you need to start calling it your "Love nest" --Works for us!
Jack L
:B Since we got the kids out of the nest (mostly) our TT has turned into the Love Shack. We just got back from a week in the mountains and both of us were sad--we're ready to go again! DH wants to go to Destin for July 4th week--Hah! I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen, but perhaps I can find us some place a little less touristy along the way down there. Some place....quiet...and private...:C
Well lucky for you, Destin will probably be full that week... :)