I don't like the motion because it's not a place for motion. I wouldn't want my home shaking either. Being in a boat, one expects movement. Same as being in a car or an airplane for that matter. How would you like to be in a movie theater watching a movie and have the person behind you bumping your seat back? You probably wouldn't. But why not it's movement like a boat. People are accustomed to their surroundings being a certain way. A TT/5'er are like a home away from home. So the mind set is to feel like home. And a home is solid and doesn't move. Unless there's an earthquake.
FWIW I've spent plenty of time in boats. I helped my brother commercial fish for a summer. I've been on 8 cruises. I've owned several boats, canoes and now have two kayaks. so I know what a boat feels like. Rolling on the waves isn't like the suttle jerks in a trailer.