gsbrockman wrote:
Mike in DE wrote:
However, I checked those figures with eight stops at the pump (1400 miles in total), manually calculated the MPG and found there was good agreement between the two (within 1% on average).
So......eight stops at the pumps over 1,400 miles averages out to about 175 miles.....I’m so confused.
Here is a "maybe" as to why,
175 miles between stops when towing, could be explained as the driver needing a break, or having a small fuel tank and fueling up at half a tank just to be safe.
On my gasser, it has a drinking problem (7 - 8 mpg) with a small tank. I would not push 175 miles between fillups as a routine as I'm selective on which gas station I can fit in and get out of. With my mileage, I would start getting a low fuel warning at about 1/4" tank which is about 175 miles. I always want a reserve of fuel in case I get stuck out on the road or I can't fit in the nearest gas station, I can go to the next, etc. Between 100 - 125 miles (about a 1/2 tank mark) I'm stopping for a top-off on days when I tow over 200 miles in a day. We all camp and tow different, and all are OK.
The OP is getting a whole lot more miles per gallon than my gasser. Their MPG is not quite double mine, but close. I suspect their tolerance zone, is at the 175 area either for a truck reason or their need, or a pet's need, to get out and walk around.
Just a thought.