Heapie wrote:
I have just finished reading BOON DOCKERS, a must read book about a journey in a class B through America By a couple from Australia.
(This information came from another class b river who led me to buying this book for free by loading Kindle. I hope he reads this and claims his right. I thank him.)
It is a good story of an outsiders view of America. The author does not pull any punches about his impressions of America to the point that people who have read this book think he was negative toward Americans. Like many people who look in from the out side, they see an America that is very much covered up by the pols and press.
The author also gives very good ideas on how to navigate the Walmart overnight parking and gives clues as to other places that are free to park over night.
I do believe, like him, that to pay 20 to 40 bucks for a place to park your rig for the night is just to expensive. Many of us could not afford it if we have to shell out hotel rates in order to spend a night in our rig. RV parks have their place in America, just not every night.
You can go to Kindle, load the app, and get this book, either free or for a few bucks.
Happy RVing,
Boondocking, in my book, is "out in the woods"....away from civilization...not staying over night in a Wally World parking lot. to save a buck....:R
For those of us who have camped in the United States for our entire life's, I don't really know what the Author(s) could tell me that I don't already know..Guess I could write a book on that, maybe it would sell, maybe it wouldn't......Just sounds like another way to make money off something that most, maybe not all, but most who have been camping for a while would already know from their own personal experiences .
I really don't care what "outsiders" think of the United States..at almost 65 years of age, served in the military and in combat, I've found that most of the world doesn't think much of our country, though it alway's seems to be that we are the first to come to the aid of others...so if they "didn't pull punches"....and they have some "bad things" to say , and they were just here for a short time on a camping trip...nah, don't care to read it...