drsolo wrote:
KathyPaz wrote:
You had me until you said Walmart!!! BoonDocking and Walmart, it's just wrong...:h
It may not be my idea or your idea of where to "park it" while on the road between point A and point B, but boondocking is just another term for dry camping. Many people think of boondocking as camping in the wild, but tent campers may snort at the person with an entirely self contained RV or MH and say that isnt camping either.
There is no one way to leave home, travel and see new things. And none of them are wrong. The one thing we all should have in common is tolerance.
So if you've progressed from YEARS of tent camping, then to a pop-up, to a hi-lo, to a TT and now a 5er, someone is going to "snort" at me NOW for staying in a 5th wheel??? When they know zip, nil nada about me or my life experiences in camping over the last 50+ years??...The tent camper, which I was for years and years, that's what I and my very young family did at first....then, as the wife and I got older, we wanted to be able to take it a little easier...So I really don't care what a tent camper thinks, unless they know "MY" story. Been a "camper" for about as long as I can remember and I'll be 65 in July..
So, a book written by someone who spent a short time travling the country and telling us about it doesn't do much for me when I can use my own personal experiences over the last 50 yrs.plus, will work for me...
You talk about "tolerance" and you came down on someone that disagreed, just like me, about the book...maybe your definition of "tolerance" is different than others:h
The one thing we ALL should have in common and use is the Golden Rule: DO unto others as YOU would have others do unto YOU....not used much, if at all now a day's...and one wouldn't have to preach about tolerance..