mgirardo wrote:
I read the book last year, got it free for Kindle on my smartphone. It was an interesting read, but the title was not accurate. They toured parts of the country in a van. Most of what they did was dry camping, but to non-campers what's the difference. Actually they did very little camping, they just lived in their van while touring the US.
This really bothered me:
You see, while there is a toilet for number ones only, the hose attachment for the holding tank is broken. This means every week or so, we (read I) have to find a secluded gravel road or grassy patch whereby I can pull up, motor running, and pull the dump hatch open while jumping away simultaneously as the yellow liquid floods onto the ground. The timing and location of this exercise is everything. Once you begin the process, there is no stopping it and with a sixty-litre tank the process is not a short one. Therefore, you'd better be damn sure no one will come driving past while you're standing there waiting to close the hatch. A few times things haven't gone so smoothly and we have had to bail with the hatch still open. Cities pose the greatest challenge. Where are we to open up a sixty-litre tank of aged urine without getting caught? But it is the only way.
Really? Actually just get the "hose attachment" fixed.
We feel terrible about having to do this across America, like a pair of dogs marking their territory on one of the most powerful counties {sic} in the world. I love you America and ask you to refrain from tracking me down and sending me to a Guantanamo Bay.
As far as I'm concerned, apology not accepted. I'd have a much better view of the author and his book if he had just left this part out.
I had seen that also, thus the reason for my "tirade" earlier in this thread...Sounds to me like they wrote a book on how bad America is...they were like a "pair of dogs marking their Territory"??? Tracking them down and sending them to Guantanamo???? Really...Wow, sounds more like Terrorist than Campers....If I were them, I'd been scared to death to camp anywhere in the USA with their thoughts they expounded upon
Sorry, but I have to revert back to my first impressions of the book....but I'm a "dyed in the wool", God bless America, USAF Veteran that thinks too much of my country to read this from someone slumming around in a Van and asking me not to track them down...Have ZERO desire to do so.