I average 14 mpg on my five mile jaunt through 10 stop signs on the way to work (only 7 for the trip home). Top speed 35 mph, unless I am running late...I might push 40mph.
On a 1500 mile journey last year, pulling our 3500# trailer....11 mpg. Averge speed 70. OK, maybe not, but I did set the cruise at 70, and we rode a lot of highway.
I knew it was back there the entire time. The Hemi in my 1500, didn't seem to mind lugging an extra 3500, but I knew it was there. Every time the tranny dropped from 6th to 5th (cruise would get to about 65, drop a gear, go back up to 70) I was reminded that it was there. I knew it was there every time I touched the brakes. I knew it was there every time I MOVED it.
You people that "DIDN"T EVEN KNOW IT WAS THERE" scare the #@!! out of me. Please stop towing trailers, until you have learned to be 100% aware that you are towing a trailer, 100% of the time you are doing so. Your TV and the people around you, will appreciate your attention.