cbshoestring wrote:
1jeep wrote:
Since April 1st I have been 42mpg going to work ....but that's on my motorcycle. Truck gets parked when spring arrives, I never bought a Prius so I don't check the mileage just add fuel.
42 mpg, is that all :h
I do not have a fuel guage on my '03 Sportster, so I just stop and add two gallon or so every time the trip odometer gets to about 120. Seems to work out to 50 mpg or so.
If I take the little 50cc scooter toy, it gets close to 80mpg. But then my top speed is 45, and there are a couple hills around here that it will only do 20 mph. Which means I also get about 4 FPM (fingers per mile). :B
considering I ride a kawi gtr1400 which puts down 164hp at the rear wheel and I don't ride like grandpa..i think 42 is pretty good. the tug boat Harley doesn't see 40 on a good day!