Whiskey River wrote:
Not sure where you got the 15% on load capacity & axles? Where does that come from.
RVtiresafety.net, a blog run by a retired tire engineer and avid RV-er. Tons of other good info. there. You can find recommended reserve load capacity from other reputable sources on the internet. We have about 30% reserve capacity on our LRD TT tires (OEM was LRC). Sure, some potholes can't be seen in time, but you can slow down on a bad stretch of road. If you do hit enough of them hard enough, don't ignore that they could be damaged internally. Settlement between concrete slab sections on highways can also be bad. I destroyed 3 tires on a car and a truck years ago in NorCal on I-5 before they fixed it up that had a large drop between sections. One set of tires got replaced under warranty (car was pretty new). Something like that would be really bad on trailer tires.