Geobiker wrote:
Need to replace our portable charcoal Weber grill with a portable propane grill of the same design. Apparently this grill has been redesigned and gets horrible reviews. So, looking at the Weber Q 1200 propane grill, but am open to suggestions. Anyone out there using one of the Weber Q series? Must be able to fit the limited storage of a class C,
grills evenly, and easy clean up, which is VERY important to me. Leaving for a trip soon and RV Park doesn't allow charcoal gills; my favorite way to grill. Thanks for your input. Happy traveling.
IMHO the weber Q takes up waaay too much room because of its rounded design and handles that you can't stack anything around it and JMHO it is more of fancy case than a good grill.
I have tried them all and threw them all out.
This is what I ended up with and VERY happy. Folds flat like a laptop so you can stack them and fit easily into the smallest bay.
You can go three different ways. I ended up buying the one with the grill AND the double burner one because they take up such little room and are so easy to store.
One for just grilling:

Grill and burner:

and a double burner for some serious stews, chili, & soup cooking.

Add one aluminum lightweight folds flat table that fits all these grills perfectly like in the above picture, from Walmart and you are good to go! :C