6700 lb. loaded toy hauler, 27.5 ft., 780 lb. tongue weight.
Top of wheel well to ground measurements:
Loaded w/o WD....36-11/16"......35"
Loaded w/WD.......36-1/2"..........35-3/8"
So the front went up 7/16" with the load, and came back down 1/4" with WD, so a final rise of 3/16". 2013 Ford F150 manual says bring the front rise back down
half way.
The rear sagged 2-1/8" with the load, and came back up 3/8" with the WD, so a final sag of 1-3/4".
The final setting resulted in 2-1/8" clearance between the axle and the jounce bumper.