Forum Discussion

ckwizard777's avatar
Sep 19, 2013

Need Pull-Rite hitch advice.

hopefully one of y'all out there actualy own one these hitches and can give me your opinion.
So I finaly installed my $200 Pullrite hitch found on craigslist and when I hitched it up to get the lower roller to have firm contact with the rail it took every bit of oomph I had and that was with the back of the truck lifted up as well, my question is this normal for the chains to be that tight with this style of hitch?
I attached a pic of the rig hitched up and you can see the bow in the bars.
All that aside I did go for a test tow and all I can say is it's kind of eariee the way it tows, what I mean is it feels better than a fifth wheel, with a fifth wheel you always get a little bit of chucking at the hitch but with this thing you get nothing, nada, zero feedback from the trailer transmitted to the truck no sway no push no pull I had to look in the mirror to make sure it was still there.
Obviously I love this hitch i just need to verify if this thing needs to be this tight.
  • I would lift up the back of the truck even higher if you are having trouble hooking up the chains. Yes, it is normal for the bars to bend like that providing the bars are the correct weight for the tongue weight of the trailer. You can verify if you are tightening the chains enough by going to a scale. Weigh the truck before hitching up the trailer, then weigh after hitching up. The front axle weight should be close to the same both times. If it is a lot higher the 2nd time, reduce the chain by a link and re-weigh. If lower, tighten up another link. You can also adjust by using the head tilt function.

    One more comment. I would turn the safety chain hook around and insert it into the hitch bracket hole from underneath. This will result with the hook opening facing the trailer. Much less chance of it bouncing out that way.

    Congratulations on a great score on the hitch. That is a fantastic price and you are really going to enjoy the towing experience!
  • Yeh I should have mentioned that it's the upside down fifth wheel setup from Pullrite for bumper pulls.
  • ckwizard777,

    Had to laugh at myself. When I read your initial post, I was thinking what the heck are you talking about. :h I need to take a better look at MY Pullrite Hitch. Rollers and chains? I don't think so! Later on when the pictures were posted....... I felt reeeeeeeeeeely stupid.

    I was trying to relate the post to my hitch. One problem, mine is a 5th wheel SuperGlide model. Duh. LOL. :S
  • Here it is and just need to simplify the code...the border stuff
    too the program barfed...

    (img) width=580(/img)
    Used ( and ) so that the program won't see the above as command code
    Max width allowed here is 640

    Bigger one