Dtaylor wrote:
Greywater is water from your bathroom sinks, showers, tubs, and washing machines. It is not water that has come into contact with feces, either from the toilet or from washing diapers.Greywater may contain traces of dirt, food, grease, hair, and certain household cleaning products. While greywater may look “dirty,” it is a safe and even beneficial source of irrigation water in a yard. There are many simple, economical ways to reuse greywater in the landscape. From grewateraction.org:
I think I will stir the pot a little on this one.:o
I guess you have never poured a softdrink, coffee, or any other drink on the ground, never washed your car at home, or used your outside shower to rinse sand from your feet or rinsed the dog, even the kids? Point being, at one time or another, we ALL contribute to our share. So I ask, is it really the fact that he washed his dishes with a water hose or the fact that he invaded your space to do it?
I think we all are guilty of one things you have mentioned.
I know we have joked about bears and wild animals, yes wild ones in the wild. In Ontario as well as other provinces we have issues with bears in our parks. We are in their enviroment but when we encourage them to campsites with food, toiletries, fabric softener smell on clothes etc then it is always the bear that pays, usually with his life. A small amount of food odor,(dish water) will attract a bear.
It is taken very seriously here. You can be fined or even evicted for disobeying this rule.