While I agree with the OP that it is inconsiderate as well as unsanitary for the dishes to be washed, teeth brushed, "bathing" done, etc at the spigot, I am a bit confused about some of the things that have been posted.
As someone who has actually had a bear break into a TT, I totally understand the worries about attracting bears into a campsite. HOWEVER, exactly how are tent campers supposed to dispose of their gray water other than throw it out into the trees (or whatever landscaping is around)? :h
We have tent camped and we have camped in a small PUP that had no bathroom and such a small sink that sometimes I would heat water on the stove and wash the dishes in a dishpan out on the table rather than inside. I always walked away from the camp (and other camps as well) a few yards and tossed the water. If the bathrooms were "vault" toilets, where were we to brush our teeth? I would take a glass of water, my toothbrush with toothpaste - walk away from the camp a bit, brush my teeth, spit (yes, spit) into the bushes or on the ground, rinse my mouth, rinse my toothbrush in the remaining water and dump it on the ground. And some of you have had the audacity to tell me I couldn't do that? WOW ---- reckon how the pioneers did it when they crossed this great land in covered wagons.
Through the years, we have been fortunate enough to have moved up from tent, PUP, TT and are now on our 2nd 5ver. I have seen just as many inconsiderate MH, TT, and 5ver owners as I have tent campers.
Again - I'm NOT saying it was okay for the man to have his children wash the dishes at the spigot - but I AM saying some of you need to cut people some slack!