See that some don't understand/visualize how this hitch works
Hope this new and old diagram helps
Just made this one up and follow the lines showing where the ball will
contact with the Anderson Hitch. The basic image is of how a traditional
WD Hitch or any traditional coupler system has the ball up against the
'front' of the coupler...towards the TV
This new image takes that and have added some lines showing where the
latch would now become the resting place for the Anderson WD forces
Repeat this vector diagram showing how the Anderson forces pull the
bottom of the ball/shank towards the trailer via the chains and plastic
As the trailer tongue now moves forward, towards the TV, it pulls the
coupler's front 'cup' or 'glob' (my verbiage) away from the ball. That
ball then moved towards the trailer (away from the TV) to rest on the
coupler latch.
Here are some other images so folks won't have to go back and forth