BenK wrote:
...Then how does the one decouple the trailer from the TV?
The ball has to move rearward (away from the TV) and out of the coupler
glob (front section that has the coupler glob go below the ball
Once away from the front of the coupler glob, there is NOTHING below
the ball hemisphere other than the latch pawl, which is moved out of
the way when the latch is lifted
That is what am trying to get folks to understand and why personally
think that force on the latch would not be good for it
You are making too much of this. When at rest, the top of the coupler will be centered on the top of the ball so there will be nothing in the way of the ball when you raise the jack.
Frankly, we can postulate until the cows come home but, because of all the variables that exist (both one we can see and ones we can't), nothing will be established until someone other than Anderson does independent tests under actual working conditions to see what actually does happen. This can be as simple as installing a couple of video cameras on the tow vehicle, one showing a top view and one showing a side view, adding witness marks to the coupler and the hitch to make detecting any movement easier, then towing the TT at different speeds to see what happens.