Ron Gratz wrote:
JBarca wrote:
---Knowing the 2500 Suburban, the truck is compensating for the issue with not being able to transfer the weight.---
I don't know what you mean by this -- but I would like to avoid more of the "receiver consumes WD torque" discussion. :)
The spring compression and front-end load transfer reported by Renojack were consistent with the compression and transfer reported by Bruce H.
Sorry... I was saying the 2500 suspension of the truck being a heavier truck has the ability to hold more to over come the lack of WD transfer.
If this was a 1,500 Burb it would not compensate like the 2500 has the ability to hold more weight. A 960# TW on a 1,500 Burb is going to be hurting (sagging) without good WD and may overload the rear axle pending how much cargo is inside. The 2500 having a much higher GAWR-RR can hold the same TW 960# weight and not run out of axle capacity. I used the word compensate to make up for the lack of WD transfer. The heavier suspension was allowing the truck to "compensate" for the lack of WD transfer.
Nothing was being absorbed, consumed, eaten up or other such attributes....:B
OK we are past compensating...:)