Agree with handye9. We also have 2 televisions and they both behave different with the same old-style bat-wing factory supplied antenna.
For what it's worth, my mother's house has a television antenna mounted on a pole that reaches about 5 feet higher than the highest point on her house. That antenna has been "up there" for over 50 years. It currently has only 1 prong left (you know that aluminum stick that use to be part of many many more that was shaped into an arrow and it pointed toward the general direction of most of your local broadcasting (50 years ago.)... Well... that old antenna with only 1 prong left, that is over 50 years old and ready for recycling junk, pulls in Digital Television absolutely wonderful! My mother still captures around 50 channels (over the air).
If you want "my" opinion, I think the "supposed" new antennas that advertise all the latest and greatest is just a scam to make everyone "think" they have to have something different (and as a result purchase one, parting with their money).
I think you will find if you simply check your connections, unscrew your coax connections at the antenna, behind the plug in the wall (yes, remove them and get behind them, unscrew and screw it back it ... breaking any oxidation or corrosion affecting the signal)... I think you will find you can save yourself a bunch of money and no need for a new antenna.