Welcome to the forum !
First decide if you believe in the OEM specifications/limits/ratings or not
If not, then do whatever but note that if there is warranty left...the
OEM may be denied. If no warranty, then you have taken the OEM off the
liability hook
If yes, then read up and ask lots of questions
There is a huge difference in how a question is asked or answered
'Can do' is way different from 'should do' or 'rated for'
The specifications, limits and ratings is a 'system' and most take
a single rating as an absolute or out of context....like your reference
to your TV's MTWR (Max Tow Weight Rating)
Meaning that, those MTWR's are only a true rating within the fine
print of the OEM's specifications
Meaning that they derived those MTWR's from a 'curb' weight TV, which
is the 'stripper' model with no options other than the tow option
and one 150lb driver. Some full fluids, others partially filled
Best is to weigh your TV's fully loaded...axle by axle. That is the
only way to figure out your 'true' MTWR
You should gather these ratings for both your TV's
Then do the simple math to figure out your true MTWR
Some come here looking for confirmation of what they want to hear
or what they have already decided on....they WILL get many advisers
that will do exactly that...just ask yourself if those advisers will
provide the funds for warranty or whatever cost an overloaded TV
might suffer
This image shows how the ratings system looks like in graphical form
