Thanks for the additional info. I am really confused as you will see, but moving right along---
Before starting you had a load of say 33 watts. WAG battery at 12.5v, so load was 2.6 amps.
Now you enabled solar and got 923 watts at the shunt. Battery voltage spiked from now being charged so WAG 13.5v? So 923/13.5 = 68.3 amps of which 2.6 was load.
I am not clear whether you should add the -33 load to the 923 or if the 33 is part of the 923 the way that is displayed. Need help there. The 33 was at 12.5 batt, but the 923 was at 13.5? If that even matters--not sure!
I am lost on what shows as total controllers' output and what shows at the shunt. Normally, the shunt shows what the battery is getting, not what the loads are getting. Part of what to do with that 33 watts.
The 714w is output from the Victron controller? so is part load, but with two solar sets, how much of the 33 is in the 714 and how much Jamboni? (If that matters)
As you see I am not clear on what you have there! Seems like it cranks out the amps though. You must be pleased it all worked out.