pnichols wrote:
Also, just thinking outloud .... I wonder if an EU2000i with the Easy Start kit powering an RV air conditioner will use less gas, overall, than a bigger generator will without the kit?
The bigger generator still has to expend gas energy to overcome the A/C compressor's startup load with each cycle, whereas a smaller generator with the kit has to overcome a much smaller momentary startup energy demand with each A/C run cycle.
Air conditioner run time per gallon will be optimum when using no larger generator than necessary to power it. The Easy Start kit is not smoke and mirrors, it just plain makes use of good engineering to provide a more efficient way to get the job done.
Many of you may be like me - the worst part of using a portable RV generator is having to refuel it any more often than absolutely necessary.
I should probably even install the kit on our RV's air conditioner to reduce gas consumption of our built-in 4KW Onan generator while it's powering the A/C. :C
I love the micro air easy start, one of the best things we did to the trailer and would do it again in a heartbeat.
Now given that, it doesn't solve the fact that a 13.5K regualar efficiency (around 13A) AC unit is pushing the limits of a honda 2000 even when running.
I will warn folks of one issue relying on the micro air easy start. It WILL easily and quickly start my coleman Mach III at 4500 ft and likely much higher without any struggle at all. Thought great, home free, started right up kept running, voltage down to about 115V, ready to relax as the trailer cooled down.
I had everything else turned off, nothing else drawing any load inthe trailer. good dodged a bullet, don't need to pull out the companion.
Celebrated to quickly. Running the AC may push you up against the honda's overcurrent limit. My one experience at 4500ft, low humidity 95F showed no issues starting, but the honda would trip the overload after about 10-15 minutes running. Now the density altitude was over 6000Ft.
BTW, I had run the AC for hours on end with the micro air at around 3000 ft no problems, similar temps.
darn, parallel time. During the 5 days we were using it I tried running the AC on one honda multiple times. same results, 10-15 minutes and tripped on overload. Did this with both my honda's to see if there was any difference and if one was better than the other. Nope, both about the same results.
Now the micro air AND the new honda 2200 likely would go from "almost adequate" to "barely adequate" for this condition.
And it likely will depend on the AC unit. The coleman is one of the higher current draw units.
I'm seriously tempted to sell my 2000 companion and buy a 2200 companion.
Personally I have no desire for either of the honda 3000's. One, both are heavier than I want to cart around. Two, the lighter 3000 is to noisy. and finally two honda 2000's or 2200s in parallel are the same weight as either 3000 and give more peak and continous output.