Well, it's a done deal. They were here bright and early to pick it up and the driver and I sat outside for 3 hrs while I was on the phone with various people at the dealership, an attorney, the bank, etc.
The bank cancelled the loan and said they wanted no part of this deal anymore. The attorney said it was mine even if they refused payment, I could hang on to it, but that it would take several months and a lot of money before I ever saw the title/tags. The dealership said I could give them $9500 cash and keep it, that they would secure financing at original terms. Considering that last night they told me that they would be willing to let it go for $8000 additional down, and I didn't want to go back and forth anymore, I told them to take it.
Didn't work out, nobody is happy, but the way I look at it, I got a very cheap Thanksgiving RV rental out of the deal.
Thanks for the input folks, hopefully we will find another rig we like and become RV owners.