kohai wrote:
Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Make yourself annoying in a polite way. They won't call you -- you are your own service writer and expediter. If they have to order parts, you need to make sure they actually ordered them (I learned that the hard way).
Sadly, this is how RV service is.
Not every dealer is like that. When we were doing the initial post PDI learning we incorrectly re-attached the outside panel covering the hot water heater. It flew off on our first trip out. I called up our dealer and asked if I could buy the part through them as there was only one place listing it online and the shipping was as much as the part. They responded that it would be covered under warranty and that they would order the part without us bringing the trailer in. Less than a week later I dropped by on my way home and took the part and was on my way. I was worried about rain getting into the bay and under the siding but because they were so fast there was only one day between losing the cover and getting the replacement and we were able to tape a piece of large tupperware over the hole for that one night.