As for the fine. Your millage may vary depending on the state of offense.
But in MANY (if not all) states there is a poke-a-long law that fines those who drive slow in the left lane..
Where I am a friend (Whom I spent much of today with) was telling me of a day she spent in court.. Just observing, not participating.. Several were paying fines for doing 90 to over 100 MPH in the 70 Zone.. ONe elderly man got a ticket for doing 70 in the left lane "he would not move over" Judge read the issuign officer a riot act and, dismissed.
In California the judge also dismissed one such ticket, but seriously warened the "offender" to try and keep up with traffic (he was doing the posted limit).
As a police dispatcher I got a 9-1-1 call... Caller was upset that one of my Troopers was doing... The speed limit.. and nobody was willing to risk passing him.. Transferred caller to supervisor (Sgt.) since I could not make him happy.. Sgt did not make him happy either.. hindsight we shoudl have gotten his ID (non emergency call to 9-1-1 is a 500 dollar offense per FEDERAL law). After Identifying the trooper and confirming I ask the Sgt. if he had any message.. Perhaps "Good Job" Sgt. said YES, tell him that.