rhagfo wrote:
coolbreeze01 wrote:
WTP-GC wrote:
Recently I was pulling a trailer on a 2 lane interstate. I'm in the right lane doing 67, but I come up on someone that's doing far less. The left lane is open. I slide over there to the left lane just to make the pass, but I get hung up there because a plethora of impatient drivers being passing me on the right...despite my right turn signal being on. Naturally, some of them gave me the finger or made some other motion as they passed. Oh well, not my problem.
Sounds like you made the pass and then failed to get back in the right lane soon enough.
You need to be able to know when you have the space to one back over.
It never amazes me the number of drivers that can't use mirrors to determine when the are past some one.
I have been driving right mirror required vehicles for over 45 years and don't give it a second thought. When I pull over to pass it is all about getting the pass done and back over before slowing the next vehicle behind me.
As someone who drives 30K to 40K miles per, mostly on interstate highways, many times with equipment or cargo trailers, I think I'm a better judge of driving scenarios than most. I'm guessing that all these folks commenting about "not getting over quick enough" must live in some utopia where the potential of some drivers being impatient or irrational doesn't exist. Remember, it only takes one little car to shoot the gap and cut you off and start a sequence of one car after another. I guess my Florida roads have a different breed of driver. Good grief, you people have clearly lost all sense of reason.
And to correct another commenter regarding me using my judgement as to when I will get over...YES x100. Keep in mind that I have pretty good range of view in my 1 ton 4x4 dually...probably much better than that little 2 door civic three feet off my bumper. Might be a very good reason why I stay where I'm at. If I feel it would be more dangerous to move, then I'm not going anywhere.
Remember that despite what you think, if you don't like my speed (whatever that speed might be) and you choose to stay behind instead of passing, then YOU are the problem.