WTP-GC wrote:
the guy in the left lane traveling at 76 MPH must be an arrogant, ignorant, self-centered jerk...as judged by the guy behind him who wants to travel at 77 MPH. Naturally, the 77 MPH guy is also a jerk if you ask the guy behind him who wants to travel at 78 MPH.
I see that a lot. I rarely see the "left lane camper" that is so often described.
After living in Seattle many years, I saw it all. Even if there are 6 lanes of traffic going 15mph, sure enough, there will be some jerk in the "passing lane" (aka illegal lane) who wants everyone to move over, one car at a time, so he can get where he's going 10 seconds sooner. Because, by golly, "that's the law."