WTP-GC wrote:
smkettner wrote:
If the speeders cannot speed it will put the radar companies out of business. Not to mention revenue to the State.
So don't impede the officers right to catch a speeder!
I have multiple LEO's in my family and social circle. At the end of last month, one of them was accused (by another friend of ours) of sitting in a popular area to get his monthly quota and to participate in the "revenue collection program". He responded by saying that quotas don't exist (probably not the biggest lie we've heard today, but whatever) and that the department only gets a few dollars per ticket. But let's keep in mind that the local departments are funded largely by the state, which is the recipient of ticket revenue. So yes, each ticket has a directly proportionate effect on revenue, whether you'll admit to it or not.
I really do not care if there is a quota or not. The idea is to keep right and let the speeders pass. LEO should be enforcing the speed not the other drivers.