As stated above, use the camper before making any changes or modifications. You will find there is a natural "flow" inside your new camper, just like there is a natural 'flow" inside your house.
We took delivery of our last camper (fifth-wheel) on a Wednesday. Thursday morning we pulled out of the drive way for a previously reserved campsite at a state park in Kentucky. We had time, only to toss stuff from the old camper into the new one and literally, hit the road. So there was no time for any modifications.
That maiden voyage proved to be a worthwhile event. It only took a few hours to realize there was a natural "flow" in the new camper. There seemed to be a natural place to hang dish towels, a spot to hang keys, the dog leashes, even where the toilet paper should be located in the bathroom.
Once we returned home, the first thing I did was install hooks (with screws, not Command sticky hooks) in each of these locations. And now, 9 months later, they are in the right spot.
Just last night I installed 2 towel bars directly above the bed, one on each side (24 inches long each) so we can hang clip flans there, directly above our heads when sleeping at night. Well, it took 9 months to figure that one out. There was something missing, we couldn't put our finger on it, and then a couple days ago, my wife hit the nail on the head ... 2 clip fans above our head to help circulate the air because the air conditioner in that room kicks on and off so much it wakes us up every time it kicks on and then again with it kicks off. But the other air conditioner in the living room area (30 feet away) isn't noticeable. So at night, we can leave the air conditioner off in our bed room, and because everything is ducked we get cold air in the bed room, just not good air flow. The fans were the answer to circulate the air. But there again, it took 9 months for us to figure this out ... plus the weather had to get real hot in order to use the air conditioners fully too.
There is a natural "flow" in your camper. Don't just start changing and swapping things out for the sake of making changes. Give everything a chance as it came from the factory. Then after you've used your new camper a short while, you'll figure out where those modifications need to be made.
Buy the way, the factory mattress in our new 5er is actually pretty good. We were going to swap out our Serta from the previous camper for the new one in the new camper, but after stretching out on the bed, found it was quite comfortable. We did not do the swap. After 9 months and sleeping on it almost every night since, it's still very comfortable.
Here again, don't make modifications just for the sake of making changes. Have a real reason to do so.
Good luck, and hope you enjoy that new camper.