I can't believe no one else has suggested this, get a Next Exit Guide, at Camping World or Amazon.com. It covers every major highway in the US and tells you exactly what is off every exit, fuel, hotels, restaurants, wal marts, etc. I'm sure there is an app for that but it's much easier to me to have a book that I can look at and decide how many miles before a gas station comes up. The nice thing is that businesses that are rv friendly (big enough to drive in & out of) are in RED. We have traveled with one for years and they are amazingly accurate. We are in the group of rv'rs that avoid Flying J like the plague, they are almost always hard to get in & out of, such as a 90 degree turn and try to get out of the parking lot without someone backing into you. I've said many times before who designed Flying J's rv islands??? Fuel, a dump and propane all crowded together, dumb, dumb, dumb.