I would love to agree with you and the OP, and do agree on how it might have been handled better…
But I, you, or the OP, don’t know the boys age or why the mother felt she had to bring the boy in with her, or what drove the woman to do what she did the way she did…
I could imagine taking care of a special needs child might require not leaving the boy alone for many reasons not immediately known to others…
Yes there are reasonable expectations of privacy, here it being the women’s room, but do you have a right to complete privacy in a public bath/shower room … absolutely not, it is public with limited privacy…
so while I believe as most do the woman was wrong for bringing the boy into the woman’s room, the rant about it is more than biased like almost every rant I have read before… it has nothing to do with making anyone the bad guy… I do think it was some inconsiderate use with a wrong response to it, and that is all there is to it…
while it isn’t the answer for this problem one suggestion that could be made to the CG is the clear curtain goes between the shower and dressing area… it provides some level of privacy that way and allows one to both protect and watch their belongings while showering…
now what I don’t understand is posting a rant on a public forum and there being any expectation of other than a public response, both supportive or skeptical by the poster, the readers, or responders…