shakyjay wrote:
In both cases I think it will depend on the attitude and how it is said. In #1 guy could walk up very politely and say something like, "Excuse me but I just wanted to check to make sure there is no confusion. You see my friends are coming in tomorrow and have this site reserved. Before you got completely set up I just wanted to make sure that the office didn't screw up and assign it twice." In that case there would be no rudeness. Likewise the wording in #2 can be done in such a way as to be considered rude.
It can also be that you approach someone to help and by the tone and choice of words they come off as rude as well. As my wife constantly reminds me you not only have to watch your words but how you say them.
This is the correct answer. How would an adult respond?
Only one person needs to be the adult in this situation. If you are approached by an irate neighbor, you can stop what you are doing and address his concerns in a calm manner, all the while demonstrating that you care about his concerns. If you are the angry neighbor, you might want to approach in a gentle manner, introduce yourself and make queries in a friendly manner.