The law, in balancing the public interest in using the airspace for air navigation against the landowner's rights, declared that a landowner controls use of the airspace above their property in connection with their uninterrupted use and enjoyment of the underlying land....
Also, when it comes to your home you have the
'right' to enjoy your home and property for what it is intended for. Air space and left and right.
I had a neighbor that hauled in 6 semi's of dirt to build a dirt bike track in his back yard for his kid. THAT is what I came home from work to every day.
I took it to civil court and won it all stopped immediately.
Whether what you are doing is on your own property or not IF it affects another property owner from enjoying his property you CAN legally have it stopped.
Bottom line, legally, NO one can affect
your right to enjoy your property. It is considered a 'civil matter' And it is addressed at a civil court level not the police.Calling the cops to stop the activity is not the answer. Cops do not know civil case law so do NOT listen to them when they say they can't do anything.
In fact they are NOT allowed to get involved in civil law 'you' need to file a claim in civil court. You can 'make' the cop give you a police report on the incident whether he feels its warranted to or not. The report will assist you in the civil case.
And for all the naysayer owners of drones that enjoy peering into others properties, and that say we have no rights, and that if it bothers us 'we' must have something to hide?
"Methinks thou dost protest too much"...look it up. :C