For those that think drones are spying on you,
Think? If they are over my property what else do you think they are doing. :R
please understand that to actually see any detail with the fisheye lenses you need to be like 20' off the ground. If they're flying at 50' they aren't spying on you...
Well They already have that covered. Here are the top 8 drones
retrofitted to carry a GoPro camera. And yes you can add a zoom lens to a GoPro.
Best Drone for GoPro Hero Camera – Top 8 GoPro Drones! out the video from one of these over a house.Please note how detailed the video shot from the drone IS. And that is
without a zoom lense!
Yup as one other forum member posted, It will get shot down if over my property and/or livestock. Simply because I needed to get a closer look at its registration number! :B