rockhillmanor wrote:
For those that think drones are spying on you,
Think? If they are over my property what else do you think they are doing. :R
please understand that to actually see any detail with the fisheye lenses you need to be like 20' off the ground. If they're flying at 50' they aren't spying on you...
Well They already have that covered. Here are the top 8 drones retrofitted to carry a GoPro camera. And yes you can add a zoom lens to a GoPro.
Have any flown over your property? I live in a fairly dense area and I haven't had any issues with the millions of drones out there. If they're flying over your property they're most likely just flying. What happens when all those Amazon drones, with cameras, start flying over your property?
I'm also sure people can retrofit a zoom lense on a camera that can be mounted on a drone, but I haven't seen anyone do it and I'm sure it would make it a bear to fly. The reason drones don't come with zoom lenses is because it would make it difficult to navigate.
I didn't post this to start an argument. I wasn't sure if those worried about the spying issue realized what kind of camera the VAST MAJORITY of drones have mounted on them. If you plan to shoot a drone out of the sky when it potentially might fly above your property someday that's your choice. If someone was hovering over my home it may concern me to some extent, but I'm not shooting a drone (no matter how fun the thought of that is).