Unfortunately, when people don't use common sense and decency, the gov't has to step in with laws to keep things civil. When they do folks on both ends (and those who have no end in the matter at all) loose.
As an example, -- our hunting wild game rules and laws. Unfortunately, people did not have common sense to keep a balance between hunting what is actually needed, vs greed for profit and the extension of a specific species of animals. So, in order to protect everyone's interest, including the animal, they had to establish "hunting seasons" and also rules for the quantity hunted, and whole bunch more. Why? Because people are just too inconsiderate and self-serving and self-greedy to control and mandate their own action. When that happens, Uncle Sam has to step in and create a law, because we (as people) just can't, ... or won't ... do it ourselves. Every "law" that's been enacted is because someone abused something and someone else or something else got hurt or lost be cause of it.
So in the "Battle of the Drones", if Drone owners use common sense, there should never be a problem. Unfortunately, it's those who don't have common sense that is forcing the new laws and the new regulations, and why the courts have to even decide or make an official statement about what is "air space".
I think, pretty much, everyone on this forum thread who is a drone supporter IS using common sense and respect, especially in the campgrounds and such. And I can probably rest assured that no one on this thread will ever fly your drone over my house. If you do, I won't have to worry about shooting you down, more than likely one of the surrounding farmers will come out and shoot YOU, not the drone, especially if your in fields tromping around.
The that drone would get shot down over my house, more than likely, it would belong to one of the "inconsiderates" who have no regards to common decency, laws or anything (much like poachers for wild game). If THOSE drones get shot down, I don't think too many people would cry over it.
For those of you who own drones, you can't blame us home owners, or even us fellow campers for the laws you now have to live by, by registering your toy as an aircraft. You can only blame your own kind. Those who DON'T have the common decency and courtesy, when, where, and how they fly, who think they are above the law, and rules and laws don't apply to them.
Us home owners don't want to be victims of their malicious and stupid behavior. We're not "out to get YOU" simply because you own a drone. We want to protect ourselves from the nut-cases out there rob our way of life, take our privacy, and invade our "space".
Out where I live, it's not uncommon for one of the neighbor farmers to go out and target practice or simply shoot their rifles, shot guns, and pistols. But my surrounding neighbors also have the common decency to go around and talk to their neighbors telling them, they'll be shooting, and when so if anyone has a dog, or animals, they can prepare them for the noise that usually scares them into a panic so easy. I do the same when I fire my shot gun.
If any of my neighbors purchased a drone and wanted to fly it, they probably would go around and inform the neighbors what they were planning to do. And I don't think anyone in my area would mind at all. We know who is flying and why, and what their intent is. There's nothing wrong with that. We all chose to live in the country so we can enjoy some laxity in our lifestyles. But let an "unknown" step in, and that is where the problem starts.
And yes, there is a BIG difference between a crop duster flying over head, Drug Enforcement flying over head looking for marijuana patches in the middle of the corn fields, and someone's personal drone flying outside my window taking pictures of my grandkids in the hot tub!