Lol love this forum. ok, ok true story here.
I had just bought our new mh and after three days at the dealer with them fixing things we leave. Sob, I'm thinking, I should have made them fill the tank. Being as an inexperienced drive of such a large vehicle. I find a Wal-Mart gas station and pull in. After several pull attempts of forward and back up problems, I'm finally perfect at the pump. As I'm actually filing up and some hooker actually walks up to me. And asks if I want some boobie action. What? I have two teenage kids in my bus. I was shocked. I asked her if she had ever heard of a "boobie bird"? Just shock on her face. She walks away and returns later asking what a "boobie bird" is.
I looked right at her and told her, a "boobie bird" is a bird that sticks his head inside a bees nest and yells "Boo Bee". She left and never returned.