lizzie wrote:
Thank you for asking this question from Dr. lizzie. I suspect that you have a deep-seated aversion to the dullness of living in a house and long for the free-spiritedness of the RV. If you will send me a photo-copy of your palm I will give you more valuable information. My friend bought a large TC (ordered it custom) from a dealer that is not popular on this forum. He had mucho problems with it from day one and he was not comfortable driving it or taking it on and off his truck. Now he is interested in a 34' TT. He has never towed or parked a TT and he enjoys camping in National Parks, State Parks, etc. He has been told that a unit this long will not be a problem. Maybe not.
Now were getting somewhere, although, as you have hinted, he may not listen.
Some don’t learn so quickly, if at all.
Would have thought, he would have SAW some of the benefits of a smaller units with the TC in National Parks, State Parks, …… along with traveling with a smaller unit.
Yes, a 34 foot TT, is mighty long, and if he plans on traveling, more than just camping at locations for longer peionds, there will be a lot of stress with pulling & parking a long TT.
If he never got comfortable with driving a large TC, ask if he thinks pulling a 34 trailer will be easier (remind him traffic, gas stations, turn-around situations, short stops, finding campsites to accommodate a 34 foot & truck).
Sounds like he doesn't really know what type of camping/rv'ing he wants to do. May be awe struck with all that space versuses the TC, although a BIG red flag on comfortablility on driving something like that.
Good luck!
Markiemark :C