gdreese posted what I was going to say. Burning Man prep...
Burning Man holy cow I cannot believe anyone would rent out their TT or MH for this event...
We were In Reno last year at an RV park and 3 sites down from us were 2 couples in a rented RV .
Guys in their speedos and girls in bikinis they were from Europe can't remember where exactly they said they were from , but had the accent ...
They were taking everything out of the MH well anything that would come out.
Everything EVERYTHING was covered in the white powder dust !
The storage doors were open the hood was open everything completely covered every nook any cranny had the white powder dust in it.
Then just this past weekend here in the local Wal-mart parking lot were three guys in a rented U-haul pickup pulling a rented trailer and same thing everything inside was scattered outside the trailer and everything was covered in the dust !
Back to the OP So now its been a couple days are you/them still there ???