"Looking for an “old fashion woman bike” for my wife. She has a 21 speed I bought her a while back but she seems to be happy with the single speed coaster brake model she grew up with.
Looking for the relatively light models…not the hulking steel...and not expensive. No cover when raining and she will join me on a morning beach ride
Wal-Mart has lots choices but I thought I would tap into the RV.net resource."
You have a smart wife.
For the situation you're describing nothing beats an old fashion cruiser.
In my neighborhood all the people riding the cruisers ride in groups while talking to each other,and stop to visit neighbors.
The multi speeds shoot past with the riders spaced out one behind the other.
Cruisers are just a more relaxed way to ride.
Walmart for Chinese bikes, they had a huge bike industry until they went Capitalist, and now sell to the rest of the world.
Of the 5 bikes in my garage, 2 came from garage/yard sales, the other 3 from the Salvation Army thrift store.
Cheap and easily replaceable if stolen.