First time buyers - you don't know what you don't know, and as a result you will probably not buy your last RV first. The moral of the story is that you can research 8 ways from Sunday to find your perfect first RV but until you actually start RVing it's almost impossible to find "the one". Every RV has concessions. Because we are all different - advice should be heard but tested to meet your needs. The best advice I can give if you are buying, research brands (it matters), walk through as many RVs as possible - spending LOTS of time in ones you think will work and visualize life in it. Imagine making dinner, how much food storage you need, how comfortable is the sofa, the seats, the bed. What's the noise levels like, during the day, driving, at night? How is life with the slides in? Can you access everything you need? So much more considerations to buying an RV than a house. If you think you have "the one", try and find one to rent before you buy.