NMDriver wrote:
I too feel some things are evil and will speak against them when I can, like a manger on public property. I hope most people do the same, although the result can lead to disagreements.
Since this entire topic is about being off topic, I will do what you asked and speak against what I believe to be evil here...
Would you care to elaborate upon how a manger on public property is EVIL?
The way I see it, it falls under one of two categories;
#1 You believe that Christ is your Lord and savior and you are honored to glorify Him. You view the manger as a symbol of the glory of God.
#2 You think that Christ was some carpenter who died 2000 years ago and don't think he is anything special. You view the manger as nothing more than political poster that is perfectly legal to place on public right of way.
I don't understand how a religious symbol that you don't believe in can cause so much hatred as to refer to it as EVIL...